Monday, August 2, 2010


The Java World Congress 2010 is being held under the theme of Integrating Open Source Java Technologies to Build & Strengthen Social Capital in Achieving United Nations Millennium Goals. UN MDGs can be considered as the international development agenda agreed by all the member states of the United Nations in 2000 aiming at achieving them by 2015 with the focus of reducing the global poverty. The Java World Congress is a platform of ten different thematic areas based on UN MDGs and attempt to bring ICT experts into collaboration with development efforts particularly in the areas of Education, Livelihood, Food, Health, Environment, Information & Communication , Science & Technology, Sports & Recreation, Housing & Basic Infrastructure and Arts & Culture focusing vulnerable groups such as Women, Children, Disabled, Aged and Youth.
Java World Congress which includes 100 presentations in 10 different Thematic Sessions.(Education for All, Livelihood for All,Food for All,Health for All, Environment for All , Information & Communication for All ,Science & Technology for All,Sports & Recreation for All, Housing & Basic Infrastructure for All and Arts & Culture for All

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